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Calendar & School Closings

No enrichment classes will be held in public school buildings on the following dates:


  • September 2: Labor Day
  • October 3 & 4: Rosh Hashanah
  • October 12: Yom Kippur
  • October 14: Columbus Day
  • November 5: Election Day
  • November 11: Veterans Day
  • November 27-29: Thanksgiving Recess
  • December 23 - January 1: Holiday Recess


  • January 20: Martin Luther King Day
  • February 14-17: Winter Recess
  • March 31: Eid al-Fitr
  • April 14-18: Spring Recess
  • May 26: Memorial Day

Please check with your instructor at your first class meeting concerning “no class” evenings or days at the school, or off-site location you are attending.

Off-site classes may follow a different schedule; please check with your instructor.

School Closings - Inclement Weather:

As a general rule, if day school is closed because of stormy weather, night school will also be closed. Call 203.977.4209 for more information.

In case of cancellation of night classes because of snow or bad weather, check our website or call our office after 4:00 PM for a recorded message.